Real Egypt

Entdecken Sie das authentische Ägypten

Real Egypt ist offiziell als Reiseunternehmen in Ägypten registriert und wird von Samir Abbass geführt. Samir und sein freundliches, bestens ausgebildetes Team begleiten Sie auf Ihrer Reise durch Ägypten. Wir bieten private und Gruppenreisen mit höchstmöglicher Flexibilität, um Ihre Touren individuell an Ihre Wunschziele anzupassen. Unser Ziel ist es, stets Ihre Erwartungen zu erfüllen und zu übertreffen. Jeder unserer Reiseleiter verfügt über exzellentes Wissen über die besuchten Orte und teilt mit Leidenschaft seine Liebe zu diesem faszinierenden Land.

Real Egypt bietet drei Arten von Angebote für Sie an:

Geplante Touren mit festgelegten Anreisedaten

Private Touren
, die individuell angepasst werden und nur Sie sowie Ihre ausgewählten Reisebegleiter (Freunde, Familie, Ägyptologie-Gruppe) umfassen

Personalisierte Touren, die von unseren Reiseberatern nach Ihren Interessen gestaltet werden

Geplante Touren

Mit festgelegten Abreisedaten, die wir vollständig einhalten


Tour-Code: AE-8-4

Beginn: 15. April 2025


Tour Code: AE-8-4

Beginn: 27. Mai 2025


Tour Code: AE-8-1

Beginn: 08. August 2025


Starts on 16 November 2024

Starts from $2860

Starts on 29 November 2024

Starts from $ 2952


  • Unsere Gruppen haben eine maximale Größe von 15 Personen während der gesamten Tour und maximal 25 Personen an Bord der gemeinsamen Dahabiya-Nilfahrt.
Tour-Titel Tour code Startdatum Enddatum Preis pro Person Detaillierter Reiseverlauf Verfügbarkeit
Höhepunkte Ägyptens und Dahabiya-Fahrt auf dem Nil in 10 Tagen


15 Apr 2025
24 Apr 2025


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Höhepunkte Ägyptens und Dahabiya-Fahrt auf dem Nil in 10 Tagen


27 May 2025
05 Jun 2025


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Höhepunkte Ägyptens und Dahabiya-Fahrt auf dem Nil in 10 Tagen


08 Aug 2025
17 Aug 2025


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Private Touren

Individuell angepasst und exklusiv für Sie und Ihre ausgewählten Reisebegleiter (Freunde, Familie, Ägyptologie-Gruppe)

Discover the highlights of Egypt

Cairo was once acknowledged by Medieval Arab historians as “The Mother of the World”. Today Cairo is a city where ancient, medieval, and modern architecture are intertwined.
The Pyramids, The Sphinx, The Egyptian Museum, Early Christian churches, and  Medieval Mosques. Alongside Old Markets, Alleys, Medieval Houses, Modern Five Star Hotels, Shopping Malls, Restaurants, Cinemas, and Theatres.
As well as over 20 million people all living in the wonderful city we know as Cairo.
Upon arrival, the chaos on the streets hits you in full force. It doesn’t take long, however, to acclimatize to Cairo’s wall of noise.
Of course, as in most megacities of the world, the Pollution in Cairo is high, but there are still places where the soil still produces lush vegetation, and the Nile never ceases to inspire us.
The areas around Cairo are considered to be the Heart of Egypt, and one may find almost every aspect of Egypt represented in the area, including some of the most famous Pharaonic, Ancient Christian, and Islamic monuments.
FAYOUM is one of Egypt’s seven beautiful Oasis. It is the closest oasis to Cairo, about two hours drive, making it very accessible if Cairo is your base for traveling.
Fayoum offers a diversity of beautiful natural landscapes and geological formations including lakes, sand dunes, valleys, and waterfalls.  It has a rich and interesting range of flora and fauna.
This 692 square miles (1114 km2) is a depression that was a lush paradise during prehistoric times.  Qarun Lake covers 254 square km (98 square miles) and has a variety of migrating and resident birds. 
Fayoum also has beautiful villages and a flourishing crafts and artistic community.

Fayoum has many places of historical interest and is a UNESCO heritage site. Fayoum was favored during the Middle Kingdom (1991–1790 BC), and 12th Dynasty kings Senwosret II and Amenemhat III built pyramids in the area. In the 19th and early 20th centuries, it was a popular getaway for the Egyptian royal family and Cairo elite.

Fayoum includes two areas declared as protected by the Egyptian Government: Lake Qarun and Wadi Rayan National Parks. It is divided into six administrative centers of which the chief towns are Madinat al-Fayoum, Tamiya, Sinnuris, Ibshawai, Yusuf al Siddiq, and Itsa, comprising approximately 157 villages and 1,565 hamlets and with a population of more than 3 million inhabitants. 
Fayoum is a vast depression that at its lowest level contains a great lake called Birkat Qarun (Lake Qaroun). This depression receives water from a branch of the Nile that was made into a canal in ancient times, now called Bahr Joussef. This splits up into a dense network of secondary canals. Fayoum is usually referred to as an oasis, but it differs from other oases as it receives water directly from the Nile.
In the 1960s, Egyptian authorities created three lakes in the Wadi Rayan depression, southwest of Lake Qarun, to hold excess water from agricultural drainage. This was intended to be the first step in an ambitious land-reclamation project, though not everything went to plan when the water started to become increasingly brackish. On the positive side, these man-made lakes became particularly conducive to large colonies of birds, leading to the entire depression being administered as a national park.
Luxor has been known as Thebes, the great capital of the Egyptian Empire; Waset, meaning “city of the sceptre”; Ta ipet, meaning “the shrine”; the “city of 100 gates,” and many other names throughout its history. Luxor is derived from the Arabic word for “palaces.
It rose to prominence around 3000 BCE and eventually became Ancient Egypt’s political, military, and religious capital for more than 1500 years. It is an important tourism center today, as it is home to a large number of the country’s architectural monuments.
It was the ancient kingdom’s capital as Thebes; today, Luxor is known as the world’s greatest open-air museum, housing some of Egypt’s most famous temples, tombs, and monuments.
Luxor has an unrivaled number of ancient Egyptian monuments. The 3,400-year-old Luxor Temple and the Karnak Temple Complex are among its highlights, as are the necropolises of the Valley of the Kings and the Valley of the Queens, and the massive stone statues known as the Colossi of Menmon.
Luxor is a small city and this allows visitors to get around as easily by taxi as by horse-drawn carriage. While horse-drawn carriages are popular with tourists, renting a bike can also be a fun way to see the city sights during the day (and not during the hottest times of the year).
Luxor has been known as Thebes, the great capital of the Egyptian Empire; Waset, meaning “city of the sceptre”; Ta ipet, meaning “the shrine”; the “city of 100 gates,” and many other names throughout its history. Luxor is derived from the Arabic word for “palaces.
It rose to prominence around 3000 BCE and eventually became Ancient Egypt’s political, military, and religious capital for more than 1500 years. It is an important tourism center today, as it is home to a large number of the country’s architectural monuments.
It was the ancient kingdom’s capital as Thebes; today, Luxor is known as the world’s greatest open-air museum, housing some of Egypt’s most famous temples, tombs, and monuments.
Luxor has an unrivalled number of ancient Egyptian monuments. The 3,400 year old Luxor Temple and the Karnak Temple Complex are among its highlights, as are the necropolises of the Valley of the Kings and the Valley of the Queens, and the massive stone statues known as the Colossi of Menmon.
Luxor is a a small city and this allows visitors to get around as easily by taxi as by horse-drawn carriage. While horse-drawn carriages are popular with tourists, renting a bike can also be a fun way to see the city sights during the day (and not during the hottest times of year).
Alexandria is one of the most well-known names when it comes to tourism in Egypt, and rightly so. Out of the twenty-four cities across the world, Egypt’s Alexandria is the oldest and most famous of them all. Its history, ancient architecture, beaches, and atmosphere fascinate all who come to visit. With its Ancient library and lighthouse, Alexandria was the center for trade, learning, and culture in the Ancient world.
Founded in 332 BC by Alexander the Great, after whom the city is named, Alexandria was the capital of Egypt for almost a thousand years, extending about 32km (20 miles) along the Mediterranean Sea coast.
People of Egypt envy Alexandrian’s for living in such a beautiful city. It has a different character than the rest of Egypt, due to being the main harbour connecting Egypt with the world for thousands of years. In summer, people from all over Egypt rush to the city to enjoy its beaches, atmosphere, and cooler climate. In modern history, it’s the most famous and most beautiful cosmopolitan city around the world, where art, architecture, and wealth intertwine together.
Nile Valley – North of Egypt all the way down to Aswan anywhere the Nile flows through,  off the beaten tourist track but sights can be added to the main tours.The Delta, a lush green triangle set in a desert landscape, Delta fans out between the two main branches of The Nile. Ramses II ruled from here three thousand years ago. Now The Delta region produces the bulk of the country’s crops, helping to feed the huge population. Egypt has been called the gift of The Nile, for without the river it could not exist as a narrow and verdant strip of cultivated lands cuts through the arid country. The whole of the Delta is farmland, irrigated by a web of tributaries and canals, and is said to be one of the most fertile agricultural regions in the world. In ancient times a great civilization flourished along the river’s banks and the incredible wealth of temples and tombs left behind, make the Nile Delta and valley the greatest open-air museum in the world. Middle Egypt is chiefly known for its temples at Abydos and Dendara, tourists also like to visit the Tombs of Beni Hassan and the ruins of Akhenaten’s capital at Tell el-Amarna. Almost every Nile town is built upon layers of previous settlements, Pharaonic, Ptolemaic, Roman, and Coptic.
For centuries, the magnificent Nile River has captivated travelers and imaginations as the longest river and the source of life for one of the oldest civilizations in the world. Few experiences are better than sitting on the deck of a slow-moving boat as it glides along the Nile. Gaze into the fertile Nile Valley that is surrounded by desert, drifting past 5,000 years of culture. Sailing down or up the Nile is the best way to explore Southern Egypt. Board at Esna just South of Luxor (transfer is provided for those not already on tour with Real Egypt) and visit important sites including Edfu, Kom Ombo, and Aswan. On our Dahabiya Nile Sailing tour, you will visit more sites and communities.
On a longer cruise of 15 days from Cairo to Aswan you will also stop at  Minya and visit more significant sites nearby.

Historically, the Nile cruise was really the only way to visit the temples and tombs located along this stretch of the river. It is still a popular means of visiting Upper Egypt and has many advantages over using other forms of travel.

Nile cruises visit a wide variety of antiquities along the banks of the river. Equally important, they also allow the tourist to gain a perspective of rural Egypt, where people live much the same way they did even thousands of years ago, in mud-brick homes, tending their fields with wooden ploughs and moving produce with donkeys.
Nile Sailing varies considerably, it is possible to cruise from 1 day to 15 days. There are over 330 cruisers plus the Dahabiya boats, Sandals, and Fellucca’s plying the river between Cairo and Aswan.
Treasured in Pharaonic times for its turquoise, copper, and gold quarries, the region today is a magnet for tourists who are attracted by the sandy beaches and fantastic marine life.
Sinai is a region of great religious significance: its rugged interior was the setting for many important events in The Bible and it remains a holy place for Jews, Muslims, and Christians, due to the wanderings of Exodus and the flight of the Holy Family.
It is famous for its triangular-shaped peninsula and has been the gateway between Africa and Asia since time began. About 61,000 sq. km. (23,552 sq. miles).
The Sinai Peninsula is prized for its strategic position and mineral wealth. Where rock meets coral reefs and the desert stops at the sea. It is the grandeur of granite meeting golden beaches.
The Red Sea coast stretches 1250km. (777 miles) from Suez to the Sudanese border, it offers superb diving and snorkeling along with palm-fringed beaches. Resorts along the coast are varied to suit every taste.
Its mineral-rich red mountain ranges and coral reefs inspired the mariners of long ago to name the sea “The Red Sea”.
Diving in the Red Sea can be one of the most inspirational experiences of your life. The Red Sea is a spectacular ecosystem formed millions of years ago when the Arabian Peninsula broke off from Africa as a result of the movement of the Red Sea Rift.
Along the coast, turquoise waves lap rocky headlands and windswept beaches, while inland the Nile Valley is divided from the coast by the arid hills and mountains of The Eastern Desert, home to the Red Sea Monasteries.
Safari tours offer visitors the chance to escape the crowded sites of Cairo and the Nile Valley and experience the peace and tranquillity of the empty desert and its green Oasis.
The popular image of the desert is of endless seas of sand. However, the vast expanse of rock in the interior of the desert is considered a part of the desert.
Apart from the new Bedouin desert-dwellers, the area is uninhabited.
Deserts provide the perfect atmosphere for some really interesting activities and great adventures. Fayoum is the closest desert area to Cairo and provides a wealth of history mixed with desert adventure.
You’ll have a chance to feel the adrenaline rush while driving on the crest of a sand dune or sliding down the dune, or sand surfing. There will also be chances to see indigenous wildlife.
You’ll meet Bedouin people and see their interaction with the environment, and enjoy the desert way locals would around a campfire at night. You can experience the clearest night skies as you drink traditional Bedouin tea and enjoy a traditional dinner slow-cooked in the heat under the sand.
A popular desert safari activity is sandboarding. Sandboarding is a slightly more forgiving version of snowboarding but gives a similar adrenaline rush.
Real Jordan is part of the Real Egypt Group. We have been offering tours in Jordan since 2011. In the process, we have rediscovered many hidden attractions and mapped them to enable them to be accessible for adventure travelers and explorers. Real Jordan offers expert care and attention to your every need.

Real Jordan aims to provide unique experiences and to offer cultural exchange programs in a friendly atmosphere with the local population to enrich both our visitor’s experience and the local community´s life.
Real Sudan provides advice and customer service to ensure you get the most out of your holiday in Sudan. We offer personalized tour programs tailored to your needs and interests. We guide you to the must-see places and beyond the usual tourist destinations into a world that only the local people know.

Real Sudan aims to bridge the gap of misunderstanding between our region and other parts of the world, to be a good ambassador for the country and people, and to make sure our guests leave with a positive memory of the country and its people. Our goal is for our customers to leave with a new understanding of how life is lived in another part of the world, both in the ancient days and now and to help build bridges of understanding between people of different ethnic and cultural backgrounds.  
a photo showing a group of tourists having breakfast in a Bisaw's local house
a photo showing a dahabiya in the middle of the Nile in Egypt
a photo showing the corridor in the Rameses chamber in the valley of kings

Personalisierte Touren

Individuell nach Ihren Interessen von unseren Reiseberatern gestaltet.

  • Starts on 01 May 2024 
  • Starts on 16 October 2024 

Starts on 18 October 2024

Was unsere Gäste über uns sagen

Lesen Sie weitere Bewertungen auf TripAdvisor und Google Reviews.

"Ein großartiger Tagesausflug nach Abu Simbel! Rasha war eine sehr sachkundige und freundliche Reiseleiterin, und wir haben ihre Gesellschaft sehr genossen. Auch unser Fahrer war großartig, brachte uns überall hin, wo wir wollten, in einem sauberen und frischen Auto – immer mit einem Lächeln! Fünf Sterne für Rasha und das Team!"

deb j
London, UK
"Perfekt organisierte Reise nach Port Said, Damiette, Borollos und Rosetta von Kairo aus! Ein besonderes Dankeschön an unseren wunderbaren Guide Alfred. Wir hoffen, dich wiederzusehen! 😁

John O
Lido di Ostia, Italy
"Ein unvergesslicher Tagesausflug zu den Pyramiden!Unser herzlicher und hochgebildeter Guide Mo Osama machte den Tag besonders. Wir bekamen nicht nur viele Informationen, sondern hatten auch viel zu lachen und tolle Fotos. Das Mittagessen war fantastisch, und Mo gab uns großartige Empfehlungen für weitere Ausflüge."

Lisa M
London, UK
"Fantastische Agentur", mit der man arbeiten kann. Große Tour- Möglichkeiten, und fantastische Websites und Möglichkeiten. Die Kommunikation mit Real Egypt war einfach, und ich kann Yasmine als Reiseführerin nur empfehlen. Es ist einfach eine Reise, die man machen muss!"
Reid F
Aug 2023

Unsere Vision

Alles, was Sie über unsere Vision wissen müssen

Umwelt und Natur

Unsere Touren führen Sie durch eine Vielzahl atemberaubender Landschaften, darunter das Nil-Tal, Wüsten, Oasen, Berge sowie das Rote Meer mit seinen Inseln und das Mittelmeer. Unsere erfahrenen Reiseleiter sind bestens mit der lokalen Flora und Fauna vertraut. Auf Wunsch bieten wir auch spezialisierte Vogelbeobachtungs-Touren an, bei denen Sie die faszinierende Vogelwelt der Region entdecken können.

Kulturelle Erlebnisse

Dies ist ein wesentliches Element unserer Touren, da wir der Ansicht sind, dass interkulturelle Aspekte viel dazu beitragen, dass unsere Gäste ein echtes Gefühl und Verständnis für jeden Ort, den wir besuchen, entwickeln können. Ihr erfahrener Reiseleiter spricht Arabisch, was Ihnen ein tieferes Verständnis einiger Orte ermöglicht, die wir besuchen, und verfügt über lokale kulturelle Kenntnisse. Viele unserer Touren beinhalten auch einheimische gastronomische Erlebnisse, z. B. Mahlzeiten in einheimischen Häusern oder in Restaurants, die traditionelle ägyptische Gerichte anbieten, oder Kochkurse.

Tiefgehende und lehrreiche Touren

Für Akademiker und alle, die mehr über Ägypten in die Tiefe gehen wollen, bieten wir individuell konzipierte Touren an. Unsere Touren umfassen historische Stätten und Besuche in Ortschaften, die von anderen Unternehmen normalerweise nicht besucht werden. Wir bieten auch Touren für Schüler und Lehrer an.

Engagement für Nachhaltigkeit

Mit unseren Reisen und Erlebnissen wollen wir ein besseres Verständnis für Ägypten, die ägyptische Kultur und das ägyptische Volk vermitteln, und zwar mit möglichst geringen Auswirkungen auf die Umwelt und die Menschen, die an den jeweiligen Reisezielen leben.| Wir arbeiten ständig daran, die Reisen von Real Egypt immer nachhaltiger zu gestalten, indem wir den Einsatz von Plastik für den einmaligen Gebrauch auf ein Minimum reduzieren und, wenn möglich, die Nutzung von Brennstoffen verringern.

Unsere Marken

Erleben Sie umfassende, sorgfältig zusammengestellte Touren durch ganz Ägypten und tauchen Sie in spannende Abenteuer ein.

Spezialisiert auf die Durchführung von Dahabiya- Kreuzfahrten auf schönen Segelbooten auf dem Nil in kleinen Gruppen.

In der Oase, die der Hauptstadt Kairo unmittelbar vorgelagert ist, beinhalten unsere Touren eine Vielzahl von faszinierenden Landschaften, Geschichte, Kultur und Abenteuer.

Lernen Sie die verborgene Schönheit Jordaniens kennen. Das Land bietet einzigartige Erlebnisse für Besucher aller Religionen und Interessen.

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