photo thanks to Caroline of Penguin Photography

Zar is a relatively recent cultural practice in Egypt, and continues to undergo changes in practices.
Researchers trace its origins to slaves brought to Egypt from further south in Africa, and to wives of military officers who were trained or located away from the Egyptian cities where zar became integrated.

Real Egypt can arrange an evening attending a community zar. This event is public, but zar are often held in private homes. Zar is a form of psychological and spiritual experience aimed at pacifying spirits which are believed by some to have become attached to a living person. This cannot be compared to exorcisms as we may know of those in some religious or spiritual practices, because zar is not simply about driving a spirit out of a person but about them living their lives in a compatible way with a spirit.

Zar involves many elements including music, movement, offerings, dress, and jewelry. The variations in zar practice are far more diverse and their significance is deeper than we can go into in a blog. The best way to learn more about zar is to experience it with us.

photo thanks to Caroline of Penguin Photography

Although you can attend by yourself, we recommend attending with Real Egypt because your guide will give explanations and you may be more comfortable with a small group than by yourself. Please note that attending zar is not for everyone, you may not be comfortable with the sound levels or standing for some of the performance.

photo thanks to Caroline of Penguin Photography

For those interested in a more in-depth understanding of zar, we recommend these publications:

Silver of the Possessed by Sigrid M. van Roode

A collector, researcher and writer worth following through her website and Instagram “Bedouin Silver” – in 2024 published her PhD thesis on the jewelry of zar, its uses and significance, as open access. You can download the PDF of the book FREE

Her book is enjoyable to read while retaining the essential academic research, and her broader understanding of jewelry and adornment across the Middle East and North Africa gives depth to her ideas.

Spirit Possession, Music, and Healing Rituals in Egypt by Hager El Hadidi

An examination of the history and waning culture of zar in Egypt, and the world in which Muslim women negotiate relations with spirits

This ethnographic study of zar in Egypt is based on the author’s two years of multi-sited fieldwork and firsthand knowledge as a participant, and her collection and analysis of more than three hundred zar songs, allowing her to access levels of meaning that had previously been overlooked. The result is a comprehensive and accessible exposition of the history, culture, and waning practice of zar in a modernizing world. Published by Video discussion of the book

If you are interested in attending a zar evening as part of a small group, contact our Travel Advisors by email: [email protected] or WhatsApp +201100022242

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