Karnak is considered one of the best sites around the world to observe the event at sunrise, the temple shows the ancient Egyptians’ advanced understanding of astronomy.

This happens only twice a year, on or around the 21st of June and December, marking the longest and the shortest days of the year.
At solstice inside Karnak Temple you can see the sun rise in the entryway, between the high walls of this magnificent monument. The sun’s rays gleam through the pillars and chambers, including the Sanctuary of Amun, marking the beginning of the shortest day of the year.

A survey of 650 Egyptian temples, conducted by scientist Juan Belmonte of the Canaries Astrophysical Institute, led to the conclusion that most of the sites were built in recognition of celestial events, especially sunrise on the equinoxes and solstices.

If you are interested in seeing more of Karnak and other ancient Egyptian sites in Luxor on this day or any other, contact our Travel Advisors: email [email protected] or WhatsApp +201100022242